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A Journey into the DIvine 2020

Divine Healing

A Journey into Divine

Gloria, New York


I began the journey into the divine with innocence and without knowing exactly what was going to happen. Let me tell you.  that the journey was full of unexpected experiences. I heard: Love, devotion to the divinity, bliss, we need to upgrade our belief system, concentrate on the positive. So much to absorb. Well, all that sounded good to me! What I didn’t expect were all the emotions that I was going to encounter before getting to our destination.  I said to myself what we’re doing now is in preparation before going to the cosmic travel to Goloka, to the higher realms.   The place where Krishna and Radhe live. Synarchy mentor said it’s good to have a yogi body.  I don't have one,  I do practice a little every day, that can help I thought,   I participated in all the activities, breath, breath,  fire breath, faster, faster. Now the breathing happens automatically,  without effort.  Then levitation. During this part I felt like if someone was pulling me from my arm until I had to get up from the chair, it was almost painful but then my body felt light.  This learning was helpful for what was going to happen later.  The Synarchy healing was powerful not only for my allergies, I used to have a running nose almost every day, so unpleasant.  Now, allergies are gone. But also for a friend, she told me that her little daughter had a fever. The pediatrician wouldn't take her into the office out of fear of the situation that is going on right now. The option was to take her to a hospital, something that made my friend nervous. So, I placed the little girl next to me to receive the healing as well.  The following day my friend told me that her fever was mostly all gone! She was happy I was thrilled!   

Later, what I found out was that before taking the trip we needed to have more preparation,  like the rebirth process, which wasn't bad.  I got to understand where I was coming from and the gifts life has given me. Then. encounter with the parents, WOW, very emotional, but that I was able to complete in more ways than I could imagine, because my uncle Alex, someone that I was very close to growing up came along. He was a composer, I loved that about him, He was a caring and tender man. He also placed his hand on my head. What a treat that was! Three blessings at once! Then, working with the Chakras, let me tell you,  my root chakra went bananas,  it wouldn't stop moving. Wow, I thought another unexpected experience. Well, now, finally the journey to the cosmos arrived.!!!!!  The mentor said: Look at this map!  I told myself, he’s showing us the map so we wouldn't get lost. Good! My sense of direction isn't good so that will help.!  I have traveled to far places before, so this will be another one. Of course in a different way!! Then our mentor said  we're ready!  Go into Garuda,  which is a big bird.  Every time we were boarding, I felt my body levitating. Then I heard, let’s go to the animal world, that’s what I heard.  but he meant the plant world, so I had to change gears and follow the instructions and go to the plant world.  I was there for a short time and I was told to continue drinking tea.  You see,  I was in a hurry to go to the animal world, where Wednesday, my cat was waiting for me.  I felt her love, we cuddled, then a white elephant appeared and I took them both with me to the big bird! Here we go again! We passed by the deities place and Buddha greeted me, then the golden palace, the whole group was there! The mentor blessed us and we took off again! We encountered the goddess Khali, very impressive! I asked her to release all the negativity from my body. We also passed by  VaiKunta, the goddess Lakshmi residence, she brings abundance to us! ! Then we go again! We finally got 

to our destination!  GOLOKA! .The mentor had visuals of the place, so I was able to feel like I was inside the place where Radha and Krishna live. The Gopis, the ladies that are with them were dancing. Felt so much love and joy. I danced with Radha. I felt unconditional love and bliss. Then,  I was called back!  Many blessings I received. My relationships with others are now clear and healthier. I have so much clarity in my life mission. Now I’m applying those experiences to my everyday life.   I want to continue my journey into the Divine with Synarchy love, to continue to grow.

A Journey into Divine - individual

Rose, Atlanta

I use my arms to press myself up from Child's Pose, I am kneeling in the center of the room. I'm shaky, my hands are freezing cold and my face is wet from crying.   


He comes in through the slightly open door, sits down in front of me "How do you feel?" He said, " Did you receive a message?"  


"Loud and clear."  I respond, my voice weak as I wipe my eyes, "loud and clear."  


I just finished my first individual session with Synarchy Mentor. We started our session by listening to some music, I knew some of the words from Sanskrit chants I'm familiar with, but not all of the words.  We continued by reading a few verses from the Bhagavad Gita, he had me read the verses out loud in English,  he suggested that I read the Sanskrit version and explanations after our session.  


We watched portions of a video depicting Lord Krishna revealing his divine nature to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.  He translated the Sanskrit being spoken into English for me. " Sit like this,"  he said,  "with your hands at your heart during this part".  I mimicked him bringing my hands together at my chest.  


Next, he led me through a meditation;  "Now we will open your chakras", he said.  We moved through the first 4 chakras and brought our awareness to each one. "Laaaaang, Vaaaaang, Raaaang, Yaaaang"  we chanted the seed sound for each chakra, We held our breath, then relaxed as we moved energy upwards from the base of our spines.  I've done similar exercises many times before, but what followed was what set this experience apart from all the others.   


He put his hands on my head and his thumb on my brow center.  I suddenly became very still and balanced in my seated position.  "Now lie down with your head towards the altar.  "Go slowly,"  he said,  "take your time ".  


I didn't really want to move but did, I moved into savasana on the floor with my eyes closed.  As I relaxed a woman appeared,  she was sitting in a lotus pose with her hands on her knees, she stood out brightly from the dark background of my mind.  She raised her hands from her knees and turned her palms to face me, she stayed like that for some time.  Then a bright light came from the base of her body and moved upwards, her light radiated outward, she expanded outwards in all directions, enveloping me in a golden light.  She was boundless, everywhere.  All I felt was love, pure love.  Tears started falling from my eyes, streaming sideways towards my ears.     


Then,  images of Krishna and Arjuna from the video rose into view.  She floated above them.  She was much clearer this time.  She wore a white dress with lots of gold necklaces around her neck.   She had a large golden crown on her head, long wavy dark hair.   She had rounded features;  a rounded chin, large dark eyes.  She rose above Krishna and Arjuna and like a puppeteer, she moved her hands over them, directing them.   


I watched her, then turned over onto my stomach,  my arms stretched towards the altar,  my palms together.  I'm sobbing now, my face against the carpet.  Somehow,  I make my way into Childs pose, it suddenly became much easier to breathe.   


I describe my experience to the Synarchy Mentor.  "That's Goddess Durga", he explained, "She is you and you are her".


                                                                                                                                                                                   Rose, Yoga teacher, Atlanta, USA.

A Journey into the Divine

A journey into the higher realms


New York

I had a profound and deep meditation. I loved entering the plant world and sought healing from the elementals. Then on to the animal world where I met my horse Ayla. She has carried me on this Earthwalk and between the worlds. Entering the tunnel and emerging into the magnificent waterfall was glorious. Metatron joined me in the world of archangels, faries and immortals. Jesus appeared to me in my 3rd eye. And we all rode into the next world on the back of Garuda where the mountains and streams were of intense beauty with many ethereal clouds and flowers. I loved the Swing of the Universe that was a vast sweep through the cosmos and eternity, I remember eating, drinking the nectar that sustains us in the upper worlds. The aroma was  wonderfully distinct and sweet and brought a big smile to my face. And then we entered the great golden light palace and went into the heart of the Buddha. Synarchy Mentor was receiving us with great joy and happiness. It was a wonderful trip through the 7 upper worlds to Satyaloka :)


A Journey into Bliss

A vision of the Divine

Synarchy Mentor led me through a meditation;  "Now we will open your chakras", he said.  We moved through the first 4 chakras and brought our awareness to each one. "Laaaaang, Vaaaaang, Raaaang, Yaaaang"  we chanted the seed sound for each chakra, We held our breath, then relaxed as we moved energy upwards from the base of our spines.  I've done similar exercises many times before, but what followed was what set this experience apart from all the others.   


He put his hands on my head and his thumb on my brow center.  I suddenly became very still and balanced in my seated position. As I relaxed a woman appeared,  she was sitting in lotus pose with her hands on her knees, she stood out brightly from the dark background of my mind.  She raised her hands from her knees and turned her palms to face me, she stayed like that for some time.  Then a bright light came from the base of her body and moved upwards, her light radiated outward, she expanded outwards in all directions, enveloping me in a golden light.  She was boundless, everywhere.  All I felt was love, pure love.  Tears started falling from my eyes, streaming sideways towards my ears.     


Then,  images of Krishna and Arjuna from the video rose into view.  She floated above them.  She was much clearer this time.  She wore a white dress with lots of gold necklaces around her neck.   She had a large golden crown on her head, long wavy dark hair.   She had rounded features;  a rounded chin, large dark eyes.  She rose above Krishna and Arjuna and like a puppeteer, she moved her hands over them, directing them.   


I watched her, then turned over onto my stomach,  my arms stretched towards the altar,  my palms together.  I'm sobbing now, my face against the carpet.  Somehow,  I make my way into Childs pose, it suddenly became much easier to breathe.   


I describe my experience to the Synarchy Mentor.  "That's Goddess Durga", he explained, "She is you and you are her".


                                                                                                                                                                                   Rene, Yoga teacher, Atlanta, USA.

A Journey into Bliss

29 Chakra activations


Luisiana, USA

Balance of all chakras
Opening of the three knots clearing energy pathway from 1st to 7th chakra.
Heart to consciousness connection strengthened greatly.
More clarity in mindfulness in daily living.
Raised my consciousness to Enlightenment level.
Deeper release of negative emotions such as anger and anxiety
Learned to be grateful for life's challenges that make me stronger.

A Journey into Divine

Chinmaya, New York

My spiritual name is Chinmaya and I am recounting to you my experience of going through my three-day Journey Into the Divine this mid-August, 2020. Synarchy mentors escorted us through the first day of the Journey Into the Divine, getting us to where we were being conceived through our mother and father, then in the womb for all the phases of becoming ready to enter into this life as a baby. I lived through feeling the deep love between my parents and the difficulties of the intense emotions of my mother. Music of all classical and jazz & BosaNova style was heard frequently. I felt an intense passion and quiet knowing.


On the second day, we were guided through being born into this life. After that early day’s meditation, I sensed my being brought through the birth channel in peace and bliss vaguely but definitely viewing what looked like golden shafts immersed in orange, magenta, purple, and red bringing me out. The golden shafts looked like tons of guitar strings but made of gold. Ethereal matter seen is difficult to precisely describe. When I was born I immediately saw my mother and father, as well as the doctor. I was cocooned into love, bliss, and abundance. Gratitude. The doctor, before my birth, when no one was in the hospital room but my mother and he, did a Native American Hopi dance of Gratitude to invite Abundance. My mother recognized it and told me when I was a little girl. He also played Mozart music and recited Lord Byron’s poem “She Walks in Beauty” as I was being born. In the divine trance which I was brought into through Synarchy work, I felt all the love and Bliss, in the Light of Love. The colors I saw that were deeply softly present were orange, gold, and green, with moments of purple, violet, and magenta.


On the third day of the Journey Into the Divine, the mentors revitalized the energy of the newborn onto the journey which led to Goloka, for celebration with Radhe and Krishna, in what felt like an actual most intensely real dance of Life with Life. I was just awoken into a place inside that led me to see and feel things of reality before unseen and within the realm of the imagination ~ activated through all the chakra work and especially the third eye. With my eyes closed always, I saw the divine goddess bird Garuda who’d come to pick me up accompanied by my power animal the black panther (Black Magic), my bay thoroughbred horse Colonel, my white horse Diamant (my paternal grandparents’ horses), my black Chinese pug, my dark grey kitten Kitty, and a raven. My fellow Synarchy sisters were present. Of course, it was like living and breathing a dream in the reality of here and now ~ as though that were possible (which the spiritual work of SynarchyLove leads to actually being possible). When Garuda brought us through the air on our journey, what I remember is that when we arrived at the Golden Palace (Synaloka), the mentors escorted me into the Golden Palace, where I just started dancing with all who were around, twirling. and flying, seeing so much Love and Light, all colors, in celebration. 


We then went back onto Garuda who took us to the Plant world, where I saw big beautiful trees that were reaching out to me to receive a huge embrace. They turned into weeping willow trees and that was an embrace of Grace. Then I saw water all around and a waterfall which I went into to feel the water on my head. I was immersed in Bliss and clarity. The following ride into Goloka was pure soft and intense navigation which felt like the clearest and most definite and deeply felt celebration of Life I have ever experienced. Krishna, Radha, Shiva, MahaLakshmi, and Vishnu are all interspersedly One and always present, thank God. All we need do is pray, meditate, however, and whenever possible. We are listened to, seen, and heard more than can or needs be explained. Life is a miracle in and of itself. Thank God, it has brought on the amplest multi-dimensional experience of being reborn and newly living in grounded Gratitude and devotion which leads to the amazing manifestations beyond what I had even ever imagined possible for me. I recommend with all of my heart and soul. I have been doing spiritual work through meditation and kundalini yoga etc., whatever works, for a long time (since 1996), and nothing has helped me in all types of directions inside and out to the extent that this does. Thank you, Synarchy!!!

A Journey into Divine

Theia, New York

Into the Cosmos, I go!
Flying higher and higher
With our dear eagle Garuda holding us tight Blessings and more blessings!
Receiving our mentors healing,
Goodbye, my knee pain!
My ancestors visit!
My parents' blessings!
My aunt Mariita, came too
A lovely visit.
She blessed me as well!
Fire breath, Fire breath!
Levitation! My body feels light!
Rebirth, let me with a question!
Birth I didn’t want too!
Flying through the plant world!
Flying to the animal world
Negrita my beloved dog
Came from dog's heaven!
Hugging me!
A beautiful white horse appeared!
So much fun!
Flying again to the deities world!
Archangel Michael, I felt your divine presence! And yours, Archangel Raphael! Overwhelming! My third eye profoundly pierced by Ishana
A higher form of Shiva
The Golden Palace!

I took my seat in Vaikunda
I felt like a queen!
My eyes locked into Laksmi’s eyes!
Profound exchange!
Celebration in Goloka
We are all Krishna and Radha.
I danced with the Gopies!
Then sipping the healing nectar from the cows. I danced non stop
Feeling the oneness, You’re the reflection of me! My inner transformation!
Synarchy! World transformation!

A Journey into Consciousness

A Consciousness 


Luisa, Atlanta

“While going through the Awakening process with the Synarchy Mentor, I felt a tremendous, unmistakable amount of energy coursing through my body.  I perceived it as a filament of intense electric-like energy traveling from the root chakra to my head.  I could see a ball of golden light throughout the session, and felt waves of energy that made it feel like I was moving like a serpent to the beat of the music.  Heat flowed through my body as well as a very pointed feeling of energy into my left ear, an area of physical problems for me.  My heartbeat no longer felt localized in my chest but spread like even waves out to my extremities.” Luisa, Atlanta, USA.

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